Operation Manager, Asfalt, Broer Vest, Landbrug Vest, Salg og udlægning, NCC Industry
Direktør, NCC Building Nordics
Salgschef, Råstoffer, Vest, NCC Industry
Salgschef, Råstoffer, Øst, NCC Industry
Teknisk chef, Råstoffer, NCC Industry
Microholdsformand, Asfalt Odense, NCC Industry
HR Manager, NCC Industry
Microholdsformand, Asfalt Kolding, NCC Industry
Technical Specialist Produktion, Asfalt, NCC Industry
Head of Department, Asfalt Danmark, NCC Industry
Direktør , NCC Building Vest
Developer, NCC Property Development
Operation Manager, Asfalt Trige/Brejning, salg og udlægning, NCC Industry
Projektassistent, NCC Infrastructure
Head of Purchasing , NCC Infrastructure
Head of Compliance, Risk, NCC Group